About myself:

I collect phonecards since 1993, but only few themes:
hedgehogs, roses, Neuschwanstein, USSR cards, rodents, squirrels, bunnies.

The phonecard collecting and selling is my hobby, not my job.

I have a large quantity of Hungarian phonecards, I prefer the selling of them.

Here are a list of my not Hungarian cards.

Of course I'm interested in swapping, but only for thematic cards.

Please, keep on your mind following:

  • Who first offer swap, first have to send cards
  • Don't send cards before we make agreement about cards for swap
  • I can't accept damaged, bent cards
  • More than 18 cards I will swap only by registered mail

I can offer for sale the most of Hungarian private cards with good prices.

Anybody can check the feedbacks about me at phonecard auctions sites:

www.all-cards.net/auctions/auction.cgi and here.

My username is "blacko".

If you interested in any Hungarian cards or need info, write to e-mail me

Happy collecting!!!

Kedves telefonkártya-gyűjtő!

Köszöntöm honlapom látogatói között!

Honlapom célja

- egyszerű formában közzétenni a magyar normál, "privát", valamint barangoló chipes telefonkártyák listáját, képeit. A lista frissítése a Matáv katalógusa szerint történik, azaz a sorszámokat nem én találom ki :-)

- megválaszolni a szokásos kérdést: mennyit ér egy telefonkártya-gyűjtemény?

- megválaszolni a másik szokásos kérdést: miért jó telefonkártyát gyűjteni?

Ha szüksége van bármilyen kártyára, vagy információra készséggel állok rendelkezésére.



Saját (egri) kártyám - my own card

Itt található a nem magyar kártyáim listája.


Dear phonecard-collectors!

I am making and upgrading this list, that I would like to show the colourful world of the Hungarian phonecards for every collectors. This site contains all of public and private Hungarian phonecards till these days.

Card codes: cards are classified and coded according to the distribution method and what is represented on their surface.

P - publicly sold cards with educational information or Matav information

S - publicly sold card with customer's advertisement

A - privately distributed cards with educational information or Matav information

K - privately distributed cards with customer's advertisement

Upgraded in February 2013!!

A-serie | S-serie | K-serie | Chip&prepaid

P-serie 1991-94 | P 1995-97 | P 1998-2000

P 2001-02| P 2003-04 | P 2005-07

Pricelist | Thematic page